Page 27 - Report of the railway accidents investigated in 2023
P. 27

  Annual report 2023 3.3 Summaries of the safety investigations completed in
Ropka 11.03.2022
On Friday, 11 March 2022 at 17:35 on the Estonian Railways Ltd (EVR) infrastructure in a rural area on a single-track road section, on the automated (active) Ropka level crossing (km 436,018), there was a collision between an AS Eesti Liinirongid (Elron) Tartu - Valga passenger train no. 0334 and OÜ Reinpaul truck Scania 450 semi- trailer KNAPEN K100. As a result of the collision 2 passengers sustained serious bodily injuries and 6 passengers received minor injuries. The train derailed. The rolling stock, infrastructure and the truck with the trailer were damaged.
Photo 1. Scene of the accident after the collision
The Elron two-carriage diesel rolling stock Stadler Flirt DMU no. 2233 is equipped with B-class ALSN-type signalling-control-command system VEPS. ALSN codes

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