Page 31 - Report of the railway accidents investigated in 2023
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  4. Recommendations
4.1 Short review and presentation of recommendations
Recommendations are formed during the safety investigation, and they are formulated at the end of the safety investigation report. The report is forwarded to the safety authority (CPTRA) regardless of whether the report even includes recommendations about railways. The report is also always forwarded to railway transport as well as the infrastructure manager involved in the accident. The latter are often the final executor of recommendations. The final executor can also be the safety authority. The recommendations could be aimed at any other authority or institution responsible for resolving the given issue relating to railway safety. All addressees of recommendations submit an annual report on the status of the proceedings. The first report on the status of the proceedings is presented to the ESIB by 1 April of the year following the completion of the safety investigation report. The proceedings conclude with a presentation of a report if the recommendation has been accepted and fulfilled, rejected, or the proceedings have been suspended. The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority monitors and directs the proceedings of recommendations addressed to railway undertakings. The CPTRA also presents a summary report of the proceedings of the recommendations to the ESIB.
Annual report 2023
 Field of activity of recommendation Maintenance and care of railway infrastructure
Care, maintenance and managing of rolling stock Organisation of supervision
Road traffic
Table 8
Year, number of recommendations
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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Recommendations for improvement of safety

   29   30   31   32   33