Page 35 - Report of the railway accidents investigated in 2023
P. 35

  Annual report 2023
   Other damages
   Reinforced concrete and asphalt covering of the railway crossing, 2 signposts, electric mast LR-135; deformations and other external damage to the truck Scania cab, its equipment and frame; the KNAPEN semi-trailer had become a wreck.
   Summary: The level crossing traffic light changed to prohibitive red signal 2 seconds before the Scania truck reached the level crossing. The semi-trailer of the truck was struck by the train. The train interlocked with the trailer and derailed.
  Final report issued 30.01.2023
   Recommendation No 01
     Following an unexpected change in the reading of the locomotive traffic light, the driver, in accordance with the regulations, followed the example of the traffic lights from then on. The train dispatcher did not receive any information about the sudden change in the reading of the locomotive signal. The train dispatcher thought that the traffic situation was normal.
  To further develop a culture of communication as part of the safety culture in order to supplement Estonian Railways Ltd instructions for the safe organisation of train traffic and shunting work, by adding a requirement to immediately inform the train dispatcher in the event of an unannounced change in the locomotive traffic light reading on a line with automatic blocking and automatic locomotive signalling.
  Date Status Explanation
   Accepted and fulfilled.
   Estonian Railways Ltd Director of Traffic operational order No. 18-2/28 "Procedure of action in the event of a sudden white light at a locomotive signal on a line with locomotive automatic signalling" stipulates the actions of railway rolling stock drivers when a white light suddenly turns on at a locomotive signal and the traffic controller's actions upon receiving a corresponding notification from the railway rolling stock driver. The requirements established by the order entered into force on 01.04.2023.
Order No. 18-2/28 was supplemented with the obligation to register unexpected changes in locomotive traffic light readings and loss of codes through the Estonian Railways Ltd control centre in

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