OLE leads the campaign already for 12th time and this year it is organised between December 15 and 26. The slogan of the campaign is: “Let the train pass! You are expected home for Christmas”.
OLE’s chairman Tamo Vahemets: “Trains are one of the safest transport vehicles. In the meantime, they are one of the greatest sources of danger in traffic due to their large weight and long breaking distance. Therefore, people should stop all their other activities before crossing railways and focus on how to cross railway safely. If you notice an approaching train, you should keep safe distance and let the train pass” added Vahemets.
Deputy Director General of the Estonian Technical Surveillance Authority Anvar Salomets explained that similarly to the previous years, the majority of tragic railway accidents have been caused by negligence and violation of safety requirements. “Railway accidents can be prevented only if all the related parties, including road users, contribute to it. The Technical Surveillance Authority, railway undertakings and OLE deal with developing railway infrastructure and safety improvements on a constant basis but this is not enough. As railway is an area with a high level of risk then preventing accidents depends on road users and their attentive and knowledgeable behaviour. OLE’s campaigns play a significant role in making road users aware of the basic safety rules,” added Salomets.
Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board Riho Tänak explained that in the second half of December it will be the duty of the police to remind road users which safety rules apply when crossing railways. “We monitor primarily how pedestrians and motor vehicle drivers adhere to traffic lights at railway crossings. We also point out the dangers that may occur when moving on railways on foot,” said Tänak.
The visual imagery of the campaign focuses on the activities related to preparing for festive events at home. We hope that our advertising materials and chosen media channels help us in delivering our safety message to everybody and that we all will be able to pass our Christmas wishes to our close ones in person.
The campaign is supported by: Estonian Technical Surveillance Authority, Estonian Police and Boarder Guard Board, Estonian Road Administration and Estonian Rescue Board.
Additional information:
Tamo Vahemets
OLE Chairman of Management Board – CEO
tel: +372 504 5112
Operation Lifesaver Estonia (OLE) is a non-profit organisation founded by 2004 under the leadership of Estonian Railways Ltd. Our mission is improving considerably public awareness regarding the dangers related to railway traffic and lawful behaviour on railways in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents occurring on railways and the number of persons killed and injured in such accidents. OLE’s members are: AS Eesti Raudtee (Estonian Railways Ltd.), AS EVR Cargo, Edelaraudtee Infrastruktuuri AS and AS GoRail.
Campaign materials
TV ad