4.1 General Meeting
4.1.1 The supreme body of the organisation is the general meeting of its members. All the members shall have the right to attend general meetings;
4.1.2 General meeting shall be summoned by the management board at least once in a calendar year;
4.1.3 The management board shall have the obligation to summon the general meeting also after receiving a written and reasoned request from at least 1/10 of the members of the organisation;
4.1.4 Should the management board not summon a general meeting in accordance with clause 4.1.3 by the request of members, the respective members shall have the right to summon the general meeting by way the management board would have done it;
4.1.5 A notice on summoning a general meeting shall be issued at least seven (7) days in advance and the notice should include information about the time, location and draft agenda of the meeting;
4.1.6 General meeting shall pass resolutions in matters related to the management of the organisation that have not been placed within the competence of the management board (or other organisation’s body) by these Articles of Association.
4.1.7 Competency of the General Meeting: Amending the Articles of Association and change the goals of the organisation; Resolving matters related to termination, merger, division and material and non-material issues thereof; Approval of membership fee rates and deadlines for payment; Approval of organisation’s annual report; Approval of financial year’s activity plan and budget; Approval of the terms for management board members and the number of management board members elected for the respective term; Electing management board members and appointment of a reviewer (review committee) for the organisation; Passing decisions on making transactions with a member of management board or reviewer (member of review committee) or filing a claim on these persons and appointing the representative of the organisation for the respective transaction or claim; Resolving the transfer or encumbrance with real rights of the immovables or registered movables of the organisation and application of the respective conditions.
4.1.8 General meeting shall be chaired by a chairman elected by the members during the meeting;
4.1.9 General meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the rules agreed upon at the time of meeting. Voting rules shall be determined in the rules and regulations of the general meeting. If ten of the members participating in the general meeting demand secret ballot then a secret ballot shall be used for passing the respective resolution;
4.1.10 General meetings shall be minuted and the minutes shall be signed by the chairman and recorder of the meeting;
4.1.11 General meeting has the right to pass resolutions if at least half of the members of the organisation are present or represented;
4.1.12 If general meeting is not able to pass resolutions due to non-compliance with the quorum requirement set forth in clause 4.1.11 the management board shall summon a new general meeting with the same agenda within the following three weeks. The new general meeting has the authority to pass resolutions regardless of the number of members present or represented but only if there are at least two members present or represented at the meeting;
4.1.13 General meeting is competent to pass resolutions in matters that have been announced upon summoning the general meeting. Resolutions on matters that have not been announced upon summoning the general meeting can be made if all members of the organisation are present or represented at the meeting;
4.1.14 Members of the organisation or their authorised representatives acting under an unattested proxy can participate and vote at the general meeting. Voting right can be delegated only to another member of the organisation;
4.1.15 A general meeting resolution shall be deemed to be passed if more than half of the members attending the meeting or their representatives have voted for the respective resolution;
4.1.16 In order to change the objective of organisation’s activities is required the approval of all members of the organisation. The consent of a member not attending the general meeting shall be submitted in writing;
4.1.17 A resolution of general meeting is deemed to be passed without summoning a meeting if all members of the organisation vote in favour of the resolution in writing;
4.1.18 Each member of the organisation shall have one vote;
4.1.19 A member cannot participate in voting if the organisation is passing a resolution on making a transaction with the respective or initiating/terminating a court dispute with the member;
4.1.20 A member of the organisation who is also a member of the management board cannot vote upon the approval of the annual report of the organisation.
4.1.21 A member of the organisation who is also a member of the management board or the reviewer (member of review committee) cannot vote in the name of the organisation if the proposed resolution includes filing a claim against the respective member. Such votes will not be considered in determining representation.
4.2 Management Board
4.2.1 The organisation shall have a management board that manages and represents the organisation;
4.2.2 The management board of the organisation shall have minimum one (1) and maximum six (6) members;
4.2.3 The term of the management board members and the number of management board members elected shall be resolved by the general meeting;
4.2.4 The members of the management board shall be elected by majority vote, assuming that at least half of the members present or their representatives vote for the respective candidate;
4.2.5. If one or several management board member positions are not filled due to the fact that the candidates did not get enough votes at the general meeting, such posts shall be filled at repeated elections or new candidates will be proposed;
4.2.6 Each member of the management board shall have the right to represent the organisation in all legal acts;
4.2.7 A member of the management board can be removed for material failure to perform obligations, incapacity for managing the organisation or for any other material reason on the basis of a resolution of the general meeting;
4.2.8 A member of the management board can resign before the end of the term on the basis of a personal application;
4.2.9 The members of the management board that have resigned or been removed shall be replaced by the general meeting in accordance with the procedure of electing management board members, except if the organisation chooses not to elect new management board members and the total number of management board members does not fall below the required minimum;
4.2.10 A member of the management board cannot delegate the performance of his obligations to any third parties;
4.2.11 A member of the management board shall have the right to receive compensation for costs that he has incurred upon performance of his obligations;
4.2.12 The management board shall provide to the members of the organisation necessary management information and, if so required by the members, present the respective report;
4.2.13 The management board shall keep records on the members of the organisation and present information about the number of members to the keeper of registry;
4.2.14 The members of the management board have solidary responsibility for the damaged wrongfully caused to the organisation by violating the provisions of legislative acts or Articles of Association, as well as for the damage caused by their non-performance or unsatisfactory performance of obligations;
4.2.15 The members of the management board who have caused damage to the creditors of the organisation by their wrongful non-performance or unsatisfactory performance of obligations shall be liable to the creditors solidarily with the organisation;
4.2.16 The limitation period of the claims against management board members shall be five years after the occurrence of a violation or commencement of violation.
4.2.17 Competency of the Management Board Preparation of general meetings and implementation of resolutions of general meetings; Resolving the acceptance and exclusion of members; Use of real estate in accordance with resolutions of general meeting and conditions thereof; Appointment of management board members to the posts determined by the general meeting; Election of the chairman of management board amongst management board members; Resolving the entrance or resigning membership to/from other non-profit organisations; Preparing the activity plans and budget of the organisation, their submission to the general meeting; Appointing the heads of the committees or other structural units of the organisation; Organisation and coordination of foreign relations; Approval of the design and statutes of symbols; Approval of event and campaign calendar of the organisation, its instructions and budgets and dealing with other general matters related to other activities and joint events; Taking and giving of loans; Opening of accounts with credit institutions, conclusion of contracts, hiring and dismissal of staff and issuing of powers of attorney.
4.2.18 Meetings of the management board shall be summoned by the chairman of the management board who is one of the members of the management board elected to be the chairman by the other members. Meeting shall be summoned as often as necessary but not less than once in every three months;
4.2.19 Management board meetings shall be chaired by the chairman of the management board;
4.2.20. A resolution of the management board is passed if at least 2/3 of the management board members attending the meeting vote for it;
4.2.21 Management board meetings shall be minuted, approved resolutions are recorded in writing and signed by the chairman of he meeting and recorder of the meeting. Dissenting members of the management board shall have the right to append their dissenting opinion in writing to the minutes;
4.2.22 The management Board shall organise the financial accounting of the organisation in accordance with the Accounting Act.
4.3 Supervision
4.3.1 General meeting shall appoint a review or audit in order to supervise the activities of other bodies;
4.3.2 A member of the management board or accountant cannot be also a member of review committee or auditor;
4.3.3 The management board shall have the obligation to allow the reviewer or auditor study all the documents needed for a review or audit and provide necessary information;
4.3.4 The revision committee or auditor shall prepare a report on the results of review or audit that shall be presented for approval to the general meeting.